Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo


Crooked Kingdom is a sequel to Six of crows, which follows these group of criminals on this heist to capture a man that could pay out all their debts. We get multiple POVs in the book, and this is one of the only books where I love all the POVs. All the characters where so amazing and I loved it so much. Even though I loved Six of crows, I think I love Crooked Kingdom even more. It was just so refreshing and the plot was absolutely amazing. During the last part where Kaz is explains everything that he had been planning, it was absolutely mind-blowing. I loved it so much. Of course, my favourite character is Wylan because he is just so amazing. We get more of his backstory in this book, and it was just so heart-breaking. When he was told he was being sent to a music university, I was like oh no, cause we knew he wasn't going to be sent to one right?

It was just so so sad. He was so hopeful, he thought his father actually loved him. And then, when his father used him as a bargaining chip to trick the whole city into thinking Kaz kidnapped Wylan, I was so mad. But the most satisfying thing was when Wylan said 'Please father, don't let them hurt me again', when he got fake kidnapped, I was so scared. But when they told us it was just a trick I was so happy. Another character who I also love is Jesper. Omg, I love him so much. That scene Kuwei was just absolutely hilarious. I loved how he noticed that Kuwei was a horrible kisser, I thought that was hilarious. When Wylan saw I was so upset, I can't believe he actually thought that Jesper liked Kuwei, like no stupid. I love Jesper and Wylan so much. I loved how Jesper teased Wylan and Wylan's reaction. What I loved more than that was Mattias' reaction to it. A lot of the time we see it through Mattias' POV and it's absolutely hilarious. Mattias is just so innocent and I love it so much. I was very sad when he died, but I was really disappointed with how he died. I wish it was more, I wish we got more of his emotions. Mattias' death felt a bit rushed. If it was less rushed I would have probably cried, but I didn't cry. His funeral was really sad, but I am so glad he got back home. This book was generally just so amazing and I love it so much, definitely one of my favourite series of all time

BOOKS YOU WOULD LIKE IF YOU LIKED THIS: And I darken (amazing writing and amazing characters), Lunar chronicles (The gang dynamic),


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