I'm finally reading classics woah

One of my biggest goals this year was to read more classics. The reason for this was because I thought that if I didn't read these 'iconic' books, I wasn't a true reader. I thought that I had to read pride and prejudice to call myself an 'avid reader'. This is definitely not true. I think because of that thought process I had, I didn't read classics because I treated it like a chore. Until I picked up Little Women. I absolutely fell in love with the manners and lifestyle. It is absolutely crazy to me how different we are now, but because I read little women, I found my love for children's classics. When people think about children's books, often what's pictured is Geronimo Stilton (which was my childhood, I used to love those books), so I'm a little on the fence with telling people I love children's classics... but here I am anyway. Reading children's classics has made me absolutely fall in love with reading classics, and now when I read YA, the writing seems so bland and inconsequential (don't get my wrong, I still love YA). Anyways, here are the classics that I've recently read :)


This is the most recent classic I read, and I absolutely loved it. This book follows Marry, an arrogant and spoiled little girl. She is raised in India by her Indian nanny, getting no attention from her own mother. When there is an outbreak and everyone around her dies, she is brought to England to live with her distant hunch-back uncle. When she gets there, she learns that she can't always get her way, and maybe perhaps, that there are people she actually enjoys the company of.


A Little PrincessThis was my absolute favourite classic I've read recently, I absolutely loved this reading experience, and loved the characters. Frances Hodgson Bernett has quickly become my favourite classic author. A little Princess follows another little girl named Sara Crew, a lovely little girl, who behaves like a princess. When her loving father brings her to England from India to pursue her education, she is brought to a whole different world, with very different types of girls. This book follows Sara's journey growing up in England, and when things go wrong, she perseveres and fights to remain as princesslike as possible


The Lost World (Professor Challenger, #1)Arthur Conan Doyle is famous for his novels about Sherlock Holmes, but since I'm not that into mysteries, I decided to give this a try. My father read this when he was younger, and he absolutely loved it, and so did I! This was such a fun book and I absolutely loved the writing. This book follows the journalist Edward Malone. After his rejection from a girl for not being chivalrous enough, he sets out the find an adventure to prove his worth. After interviewing a mad scientist, he sets out on a journey to prove Challenger's claims that dinosaurs still exist. On a faraway plateau in the middle of South America, a sceptic, a known adventurer, a hot-headed zoologist and Edward Malone discover the lost world.


Peter Pan

Before I searched it up, I didn't know Peter Pan was a book before it became a movie! Since I loved the movie growing up, I decided to read it. I was a fun children's classic but probably not my favourite. Peter Pan follows a young girl named Wendy and her two brothers. In this world, children dream of Neverland, this magical island all of your own, and Peter Pan, the little flying boy on the Island. One day when Wendy is sleeping, she wakes up to find a boy crying in her room because he lost his shadow. When Wendy helps Peter sew back on his shadow, he invites her and her brothers to Neverland, where all the adventures begin.


Pride and PrejudiceOkay if you don't know what this is about, you've probably been living under a rock. I would argue that Pride and Prejudice is one of the most famous, if not the most famous, classic. This book follows Elizebeth Benett, her sisters, father and her marriage obsessed mother. When a new (rich) bachelor moves into town, Mrs Bennet thinks this is her chance to marry her young daughter Jane off. But when this new (rich and handsome) bachelor has two obnoxious sisters and a brooding best friend with secrets, things get a little complicated.

I really enjoyed all the classics I've recently read, and I'm quite happy that I decided to pick more up. I've found even though I've only read a few, my writing has already improved. Anyways, that's it for this post, I hope you all have a nice day :D


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